The Secret Of Slim Thighs - Nutrition - The Pakistani Expatriates
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The Secret Of Slim Thighs

Facts About Fat Thighs

There is a lot of nonsense talked about fat thighs. Here are the facts.

  1. Women are programmed by nature to store fat on their hips and thighs
    That is, until menopause. After this, women store fat around their middle, just like men.

  2. Genes also influence where women store fat
    If the female members of your family have tended to store fat on their hips, you may do the same. Likewise, you may also inherit your bone structure and frame size.

  3. No one inherits fat itself
    You alone are responsible for the amount of excess weight and fat on your body, including your thighs.

  4. No one can shrink their thighs by using a special diet
    If you want to slim your thighs, you must follow a general weight reduction program. There is no such thing as a 'Hip and Thigh' diet. Such things are fantasy.

  5. No one can shrink their thighs by doing special exercises
    Exercise builds up muscle - it doesn't gets rid of fat!

  6. No one is doomed to have fat thighs for ever
    If you follow a proper weight loss program, your thighs will shrink to normal.
    There are no fat thighs or bums in a famine.

How to get rid of fat thighs

The fastest, most effective way to get slim thighs is to follow a low fat diet.

  1. Reduce your total daily fat intake to about 30 grams a day.

  2. Of this, a maximum of 10 grams may be saturated fat.

  3. The best way to reduce fat is to switch to fat free or lower fat varieties.

  4. Always trim meat/poultry of all fat, before eating.

  5. Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables.

  6. Fill up with 'slow' carbohydrates, like wholegrain bread, pasta, rice, beans and cereal.

Exercise is also important but avoid thigh-increase!

Many women seek the solution to their fat thighs in the gym. Sometimes, however, this can result in an increase in thigh size, not a decrease. To avoid bulking up your thighs in this way, exercise your WHOLE body - not just your lower half - and always start and finish your workout with plenty of STRETCHING exercises.

Always remember - fat thighs are temporary

A proper low fat diet combined with all over exercise will gradually reduce the excess fat on your body, including your thighs. This is an entirely natural process. It won't happen overnight - allow months rather than weeks - but it will happen.

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